Coming to Soirée Verano at Game Haven? Here are a few essential tips to make sure your day is as smooth and stylish as your outfit:
Secure Your Spot: Already bought your tickets? Great! Make sure to load up and download your QR codes in advance for a smooth entry. If you’re planning to grab your tickets on the day, remember to purchase online before arriving—it’ll make your accreditation process seamless at the gate.
Lunchtime is Luxe Time: If you have a safari lunch ticket, be punctual! The lunch will be served timely from 12pm to 1:45pm. Trust us, you won’t want to miss a single bite.
Weather Wise, Style Smart: Bvumbwe is showing off its weather versatility with a mix of wind and chill in the forecast. While the afternoon promises a bit of sunshine, it’s a good idea to bring a layer of warmth to stay cozy as the day transitions, but don’t forget to let your outfit shine!
Standard tickets are still available:
Happy Soirée Day!
We are looking forward to vibing with you, and so is CocoSA.